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Paper mill emotion

Workshops and teaching
The passion for paper has contributed to collaborating formany years with some of the most important international paper mills. As a colleague said during a conference “Brunazzi was the first to communicate paper as a consumer product”.
For more than 20 years we have managed the communication of  Burgo Paper Mill and the coordinated image at international level.

Brunazzi&Associati chosen as testimonial.
For the years 2010/2013 it has been selected (as the only one in Italy) among seven other world wide agencies, as testimonial for The Black Box Project of the Swedish paper mill Iggesund. The projects were presented in Paris, London, New York, Amsterdam, Hamburg, Stockholm, Milan, Göteborg and Moscow.
The project “Paper colander” design by Brunazzi&Associati was awarded many prizes among which the Frecciad’Oro, the Brand Identity Grand Prix.

He has collaborated with Arctic Paper Italia for more than ten years, and in 2012 he wanted Bunazzi&Associati as a testimonial of Italian creativity with a photograph for its international campaign Heart Works

Logo Brunazzi
Via Superga 53, Baldissero Torinese
10020 (Torino)
tel 0118125397 –
p.iva: 04702610017
Cavalli di Battaglia
Editorial design and writing
Paper mill emotion
Architecture, exhibition design and design
Sign design and Photography